Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oct. 14

A note of encouragment from as dear sweet saint...

To say she needs our help, encouragement, and PRAYERS is to say a lot, but at this time prayer and physical help seems to be at an even greater measure than it has been for in a while!!! As you know I was there last nite and this morning and I have seen Nichole in many phases of this disease and all that it has done to her, and all that God has allowed is beyond me. I just do not know how she, in her humanness deals with all the poking and prodding, tests and surgeries, procedures and disappointments, the tubes and doctors, people in and out, the Alzheimer’s screaming guy in the room next to her and……all the ups and downs she has been through. It is way beyond description and to say it’s incredible what she has been through doesn’t quiet do it!!!! Do I understand why no …except to say with great assurance that I know God does and HE is still in control.

As I sat next to her bed last nite and sensed the very presence of God I knew how she does it all. Yes it is only by and through and with God’s grace and goodness and sovereignty. So where does that leave us….right where it should….praying and trusting and then for those that can go beyond that….it takes us right to her side. Along with Jesus we go, some can’t because of family, work whatever that’s the reality of life. I know some who would go but just can’t….and I fully understand, and for those folks, I encourage you to continue to pray!!!!

I know God is the one who really takes care of Nichole and can work without our participation but, what a blessing it is to be a part of His great work if only to watch it happen. He has never left her side AND NEVER will!!!!

Certainly we know it has only been by God’s grace, and most definitely I know He sees her, and has never taken His loving eyes off her BUT…..I’ll tell ya for this human for this sinner it shakes my socks off to see her go through all she does. So folks I would just encourage all of you to PRAY to ask others to pray and ya never know by passing the word around maybe we will find others who will then be able to go to Nichole in this her time of real need.

She never goes through it alone, God is always with her. Many of you have been very supportive either at her home, or by her side. Many of you in prayer and God is the one who needs to direct who and when one goes to Nichole to help out. Somehow I just felt compelled to encourage you….each of us…to remember to pray, to continue to trust and to then see HOW God answers our prayers and isn’t that always a blessing. God supplies our strength, He answers our prayers, He has already been through tonite and tomorrow with us and with our precious Nichole…….IN HIS great Love a sister in Jesus