Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7 update and more

Nichole is at home, waiting for a surgery that will tell her if the cancer's back. This surgery will also ease the pain in her kidneys and the pain caused by the obstruction in her colon. There are many things that must be considered before setting a date. There are many opportunities to serve and help her family, especially with childcare in the afternoons. If you would like to be included in an e-mail list to receive updates on the current needs, please e-mail Patti at hal19229@yahoo.com. As she is mostly bedridden at this time, Nichole's focus now is on worshipping God in spirit and in truth, as He calls all His children to do. Nichole asks your prayers in helping her see past the frustration and helpless feeling of lying in bed most of the day, and instead greeting each new day as a joyous opportunity to worship our great God.

If you would like to help, but feel that you can't on account of your own kids, please know that I will gladly watch your kids so that you can help Nichole. Due to physical limitations, I can't make a commitment to help Nichole except from my own home, so I would be glad to make it easier for someone else to help her. If there is any other way I can facilitate your helping Nichole, please e-mail me at juniperzoo@hotmail.com.

1 comment:

When a Picture Just Isn't Enough said...

Nichole, if you are seeing this, know that I love you and I am praying fervently for you! I am brokenhearted at this latest update, yet I know that this is what the Lord has orchestrated and so we must rejoice in Him always, and trust His plans. I am praying for you so, so much...words fail me, but I will not cease to pray.
