Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I just spoke with Nichole a few minutes ago and she is doing well! She and Norm returned from Chicago yesterday where they had a few doctor visits, but mostly just enjoyed what they called their "second honeymoon". They enjoyed their time together and did many touristy things (visited the Sears Tower, and "painted the town red" in Nichole's terms). Thank you for your prayers for their time there.
The doctors there at the cancer treatment center confirmed that Nichole should proceed with the surgery, and told them that they would receive the best care here in Los Angeles. The surgery is scheduled for this Thursday at 5:00p.m., and should take 4 hours. This is a radical surgery, and will require quite a recovery period. Nichole will be in the hospital for a couple of weeks (at least), and will not be able to do much for quite a while after she comes home.
The doctors (5 total that Nichole has seen) have generally agreed that the surgery has somewhere around (probably less than) a 50% success rate- meaning that there is around a 50% chance that they will get all of the cancer and "cure" Nichole of her cancer. There are other possible complications that would decrease the success rate. Pray that the surgeon's do not find these "complications"!
Nichole has also asked that we pray for the people that she was able to witness to in Chicago. She had the opportunity to speak with several cancer patients, and some with little hope for survival. She also was able to be a light to doctors and nurses there. Pray that they will remember her hope and her perspective- as we have all witnessed, Nichole is facing this with such courage because of her hope in the Lord and her total trust in God. How can anyone not see this, even as they interact with her for a short period of time! Pray that many would search for the Lord through Nichole's testimony!
Ansel and Noah will be starting school soon (at the local school). Pray that this would be a smooth transition, not adding any emotional stress to the boys, but rather blessing them with friends and good teachers. Pray that they would get the best teachers, and would make friends quickly and settle in easily to the transition.
Nichole is also asking for prayer for her new doctor who will be performing the surgery. He has been called a "pioneer doctor" in his field, and will be using creative and new ideas for Nichole's surgery. Pray that he would be successful! Pray also for Nichole's testimony with him as she shares the gospel with him and displays Christ to him.
We have all been so encouraged to watch Nichole go through this trial and to hear of her faith in the Lord. Haven't you? Nichole is a glowing example of Christ and has blessed so many and encouraged all of us with her example. Please let her know how she has blessed you with a note or comment (here!). Your encouragement means a lot to them! I'm sure her testimony as she has gone through the fire has blessed you and touched your heart, and caused you to evaluate your own life and heart in light of her circumstances. Please let her know!
Lastly, I would ask you if you could consider helping the Greene's as they are finishing up their guest house. They need to have someone move in to help take care of the family while Nichole is unable, but several things need to happen for that to be possible. The most important of their needs is that of setting up a septic tank. If you have any experience with this (plumbing, etc.) please let me know. If you are handy, could do research, and take care of this for them, that would be great! Let's relieve the burden from them and help them out! Let's care for them and allow them to be blessed by the body of Christ, and I guarantee you will be blessed even more!! You can email me if you can help, or if you have any questions. Thank you again for your care and support of the Greene's, and please continue to pray for them during this time!!


Tao's Truth said...

Nicole you have been a joy to me! Even before cancer, in WWW, I so enjoyed your passion for life and your love for your little people. I still remember some of your wise comments from our table discussions.

Poema said...

Dear Nicole and Norm,

The Woodells in Arkansas just prayed for you both, the kids, surgery and your testimony to others. We have been greatly encouraged by your faith in the Lord. The older boys still remember you both and the time you-Nicole, gave them swimming lessons. Thank you both for being a blessing in our lives. We love you and will continue praying for you all.
Katie, Bill and all the kiddos

Cherie Baker Vann said...

Hey Nichole and Julie! So happy to hear the report from Chicago! I've sent Todd a note to see if he knows anything about septic tanks or knows someone who does (he grew up on a farm and had several sepetics). I will get back to you guys! PRAYING for the surgery and recovery!! So excited to see what will happen through all of this!!

When a Picture Just Isn't Enough said...

Julie, thank you for your faithfulness to update this blog and to keep us informed! It is always such a blessing to be able to come here and know what is going on with Nichole, without having to worry about tiring her out with phone calls. Thank you!

Nichole, it has been one of the biggest blessings in my life to have the privilege of getting to know you through Master's Kids. Besides the fact that I have just so enjoyed listening to you and being around you, God has used you and this situation to bring me to such a deeper love of Him, a deeper understanding of Him, a deeper yearning for Him! In the past couple of weeks in particular, as I have truly struggled with my emotions while I have pleaded with Him on your behalf, He has convicted me of how tightly I have been holding onto people, particularly my husband and children, as if they were mine. I have always known that they belong to God, but I have grown to realize that I have not truly surrendered to Him all that belongs to Him - and that has been true of lots of trivial circumstances as well. As I have watched you and seen your unwavering joy and peace in the Lord, your lack of anxiety in all of this, and your ultimate desire to glorify God and spread the gospel wherever you go in this journey, I have seen God's work on my own heart and I praise Him for that - and I thank you, as well!

You, Norm, and the kiddos are always on our hearts and always in our prayers, and I will be watching eagerly for further updates.


Unknown said...

Nichole & Family,
I am praying for you! It is a great encouragement to me to see how you are trusting God and using every opportunity with the doctors and patients to share your hope in Christ. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all, and I will continue to be praying for you all!
Tracy (from the Foundry:)